Sunrise Soliloquy

20140815-184753-67673141.jpg Sunrise Soliloquy, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – Pastel on Paper, 10″ x 15″

Do you talk to yourself? If so, do you speak out loud or is the monologue playing inside your head? Are you listening to what you are saying? Are you really listening?

I’ve been making an attempt to listen to myself more closely. This seems especially important when self-doubt creeps into my thinking or when I am being impatient. Running has really helped me have better conversations with myself. I know that might sound odd, but it’s true. I tend to run in the morning, and my mind is pretty active. I notice what I am saying, because nothing else is going on but heavy breathing and pounding feet.

Sunrise Soliloquy.

20140815-202334-73414729.jpgA great, Friday afternoon in the studio

20140815-202554-73554331.jpg Giving thanks. Celebrating a great week and a fantastic first month as an (almost) full-time artist, with my boss

On another, important note, I would like to extend a heart-felt thanks to my family, friends, fans and collectors for supporting me during the past few weeks as I’ve made my leap of faith back to (almost) full-time artist.

It’s been a remarkably successful month, both in terms of work accomplished and work sold. Things are going very well and I am beyond happy with my decision.

Thank you for your generous support and encouragement. It means the world to me.

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