Thirty in Thirty, 2014: Florist’s Window lll

Florist' Florist’s Window III, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – 12″ x 12″, pastel on paper (14″ x 17″)

It’s five o’clock and I am sitting with a cup of hot tea in my brightly lit kitchen. Sunlight again. The days are growing longer and my studio hours feel less and less constricted. As much as I love winter, I am happy to see the light return in early morning and late afternoon.

And enough with the floral voyeurism and shop-stalking! I bought a bouquet of fresh tulips from the florist yesterday evening. Their rich apricot-gold color fills me with great happiness. $6.99 well spent.

studio light with 'Florist's Window':copyright 2014 Sunlight in the studio

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