Thirty-in-Thirty: Day Ten . . .

Where the Wind Took Them, I â“’ 2013 Michaela Harlow

Where the Wind Took Them â“’ 2013 Michaela Harlow – 17″ x 14″,  Pastel, Charcoal & Pencil on Paper

Electricity. Light. A good night’s sleep. Work is going much easier today . . .

Wind and water are constantly moving things around in the natural world. I notice this more in winter. Perhaps it’s the snow-white canvas? I also notice the tracks of animals and fallen objects, like feathers.

I move things around when I work; sometimes for convenience and sometimes for a change in perspective. In the end, I usually find myself back at the beginning.

day ten

I think that I spun this piece around four times in total. I needed to position myself and the paper in different angles to capture the frozen motion I observed when I stumbled upon this group of seed pods in ice-glazed meltwater.

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